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136 items found for "proud lake"

  • The March Survival Guide for Metro Detroit's Outdoor Enthusiasts

    opting for your road bike, pavement running shoes, or kayak while the natural trails thaw out, which can take In between those peak periods, hunters can get a little stir crazy - especially during the late winter Like other antlered animals, deer begin to shed their antlers following the late-fall rut when their Last, the location of the shed can identify late-season bedding habits, food sources, and travel corridors Several of Detroit's leading race companies, like RF Events, Kona Running, and several others kick off

  • Blood on the Ice: Remembering the Battle of River Raisin

    Re-named in honor of President James Monroe in 1817, the city straddles the River Raisin as it makes its final approach towards Lake Erie. well as household name companies like La-Z-Boy. Filled with people - no, let's make them soldiers. Screaming and running for their lives. Harrison with the task of recapturing Detroit and securing the United States' control of the Great Lakes

  • Exploring the Detroit Free Press Marathon's 4 Most Iconic Routes

    paused my morning run in the middle of one of the most striking architectural landmarks in the Great Lakes unfolding in front of us illuminated and contrasted the glowing skylines of Downtown Detroit and Windsor like And how many would have their perception of the Detroit region forever altered by experiences like that as part of their pre-race prep - especially anyone who has never visited Detroit before - then we'd like They will most likely be taking selfies at the mid-point of the tunnel, with one foot in Canada and the

  • Five Ways to Strengthen your Resiliency Skills in Detroit's Outdoors

    Detroiters take pride in these attributes when applied to our work ethic, sports, and generational "we Regardless of the conditions, "folks are skiing for skiing's sake . . . they only need to go downhill We at Expedition Detroit are immensely proud of this "hard work heritage" that our region has inherited WAKE UP EARLY Goal: Rise before sunrise on a regular, if not daily, basis. Yes, you have what it takes.

  • #TrailTuesday: Exploring Detroit's Dequindre Cut Greenway

    What makes a world-class outdoor destination? Please be sure to stay in your lane of choice as you explore the trail - the cycle traffic is two-way , while the trail also has a third lane for largely pedestrian travel. The Dequindre Cut, like most converted rail-trails, is a relatively flat, variable-controlled paved trail , so we will not be diving into any natural features of the trail like our typical #TrailTuesday articles

  • Trail Town Spotlight: The Outdoor Guide to Northville, Michigan

    If you take a quick look at the map on our Destinations page, one overarching aspect includes that the Northville's predominant water system, the Walled Lake Branch of the Middle Rouge River, flows bifurcates We love REI and make weekly pilgrimages to the Northville location, but for this article, we'd like to T&C's location on The Twist is also an added perk - nothing quite like having your new favorite bike Rebecca's encourages you to ease into your morning before hitting the trail - take your time and enjoy

  • Trail Town Spotlight: The Outdoor Guide to Dexter, Michigan

    Reverting to my natural state, I arrived late to our lunch date. "Sorry I'm late - Dexter is an AWESOME town, got carried away exploring. Once completed, the trail will not only connect major population centers like Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti to flagship parks like Waterloo and Pinckney State Recreation Areas, but will also constitute a key The one that I was late to?

  • Meet Rucking: The Perfect Trail Sport for Offseason Recreation

    Born out of military boot camp training, the physical and mental benefits of "Rucking" is taking the BENEFITS OF RUCKING When I'm leading a guided hike, I try my best to make the experience as holistically Studies support that building up your resiliency through acts like rucking will translate into becoming For footwear, we recommend treating rucking exactly like backpacking - supportive trail runners for easier middle of Penosha's 17% grade incline, but trust us - your celebratory post-hike brew at the Bishop Lake

  • What We're Wearing: Expedition Detroit's Top Outdoor Gear Picks for June 2024

    HEADSPACE: Everything from the Neck Up Don't panic - you do NOT have to look like this 2000s ad of a designed to protect your forehead, ears, and even neck from the sun's punishing rays while paddling on the lake Make sure you stay figuratively (or perhaps literally) fed by taking care of your legs with these top Let's just say we own more pairs than we'd like to admit...and we're planning on purchasing more. Plus, the spray's scent-free formula won't leave you smelling like bug spray.

  • #TrailTuesday: Cycling Novi's "Hidden Gem" ITC Corridor Trail

    Dear reader, please - don't be like me. to hike, bike, and run between different parks and communities without the risk of sharing traffic lanes After the Boardwalk, 10 Mile Road brings your first of six road crossings that you will make during your Please note that vehicles ARE NOT REQUIRED TO STOP when you are making this crossings. Simply retrace your path south, although hopefully taking a little extra time to enjoy any sights that

  • Explore Michigan Backpacking with Chicken Tramper Ultralight Gear

    Spear-headed especially by gear manufacturers like CTUG, the recreational world is moving towards producing mention to Austin that I had noticed the recent uptick in thru-hikers opting for larger water bottles lately pocket so inconveniently located that you either rely on buddies to grab your water, or completely take Founded in 2018 by Austin Gongos and Nathan Ackerman, CTUG strives to make durable and lightweight gear

  • The Ultimate Michigan Hunting Cheatsheet - Fall 2022 Edition

    There is a late antler-less firearm season open on private lands only from December 12, 2022 - January

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